
Steve Jobs, Apple’s Innovator and Former CEO, Dies at 56

Apple’s legendary founder and former CEO Steve Jobs died late Wednesday.

“We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today,” the company said in a brief statement.

“Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve,” the statement said

In August, Jobs resigned and Apple named Tim Cook, its previous chief operating officer, as CEO.

Jobs Challenged Us to Believe

What do you believe in?

There are an abundance of articles and incessant talk about corporate vision and values. In fact, it seems as though every annual strategic planning session devotes some time to reviewing or revising those beliefs.

And yet, how many leaders actually run the company, and make decisions, and plan the path, and focus the organization every day based on them?

Steve Jobs did.

And, while in his role as Apple CEO, he gave us all the gift of demonstrating those beliefs in everything the company did and said and produced.

Jobs believed:

–          that the status quo should be challenged

–          that design and beauty mattered

–          that simplicity is best

–          that excellence should be expected

–          that focus means saying “no” to 100 other good ideas

–          that customer value = monetary value

–          that thinking differently is imperative

Are you using your leadership pulpit to proclaim? To Support? To Lead?

If you’re interested in how to inspire through your beliefs, along with reading the glut of articles on Steve Jobs out there since he retired as Apple’s CEO, this TED talk from Simon Sinek is another great source.


Jane Adamson is the CEO and founder of Phoenix-based Sherpa Advisory, which guides companies through the growth stages that require mid-size companies to “do” all the things that large companies do, but with limited resources. She has been the president of two manufacturing/service organizations, sat on industry and professional boards, orchestrated the successful turnaround of a financially distressed organization, and implemented numerous performance management processes. Jane can be reached at: janeadamson@sherpaadvisory.com.

Photo Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mingofaust/2568192888/sizes/m/in/photostream/

Category : Leadership

Topics : Apple, CEO, Leadership, Steve Jobs

About the Author: Jane Adamson

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